Orders will not go into production until the close date, which is listed in the store description. Orders are estimated to be ready 1-2 weeks after the closing date. Your confirmation email might give an estimated date for pickup/shipment, but this is inaccurate. When your order is ready for pick-up, we will reach out to the email listed on the order. You will also receive an email if your order is shipped. Please check your order carefully to ensure the correct colors, designs, and sizes are selected.

Note: If you choose to order from multiple stores, please be aware that your items may not arrive all at once. Each store operates independently, with its own duration and closing date determined by the organizer. As a result, orders from multiple stores may be processed and shipped separately. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to fulfill your orders efficiently.

Questions? Please use our contact page to reach out with any concerns.

Collection: Freedom 2025 Store

Closing date: Tuesday, March 25th